Empower Youth Network’s Executive Director, Laura Smith, announced that she will be stepping down in the Spring of 2024.
Laura has been the Executive Director since 2012 and has been part of the Empower Youth Network team since 2005.
Laura wanted to share that, “Empower Youth Network has been my heart and my soul for so many years, and I feel that it is time for the next leader to come onboard. I’m excited to see how the organization continues to grow and thrive!”
This transition is part of Empower Youth Network’s three-year strategic plan. Laura initially announced her intention to step down in the Fall of 2022 in order to provide an abundance of time for a robust search process and a successful leadership transition. The EYN Board of Directors is currently developing a very intentional search process. The leadership opening and search process timeline will be announced in early 2024; however, if you know someone who might be interested in the role, please encourage them to reach out to the EYN Board of Directors’ search committee at edsearch@empoweryouthnetwork.org.
The Board of Directors and the EYN staff are confident that they will find a leader who will carry the organization forward in a way that honors the foundation of Empower Youth Network and who will lead the organization in a positive, community-minded way in the future.