Come enjoy a fun evening with friends while supporting a great cause for our Valley youth!
Help Prevent Youth Substance Abuse and Suicide in the Snoqualmie Valley.
Please visit our Facebook event here!
Snoqualmie Valley Community Network’s Mission is to support and inspire kids to lead safe, healthy and successful lives. Our Youth Substance Abuse Prevention & Youth Suicide Prevention Programs are key to this mission.
Support us by attending our Open House Fundraiser!
Cost is $40 to enter and includes appetizers, one drink ticket and entry into our door prize drawing. All donations go towards out Youth Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention programs. Great prizes available, Massage, Wine Tasting, Glassy Baby, restaurant gift certificates and more! The more you donate, the more door prize entries you receive.
Can’t make it? You can still donate, and we will enter you into the door prize drawing. Drawing will take place at the end of the evening, and you do not need to be present to win.
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