Building Better Futures for Youth!
Find ways to participate below. Empower Youth Network, in partnership with the cities, school districts, and Snoqualmie Tribe, have proclaimed November as Kindness Month in the Snoqualmie Valley! EYN promotes the #BeKindSV campaign through our Youth Suicide Prevention program. This community and school-based campaign creates positive climate. #BeKindSV supports this by introducing, modeling, and reinforcing kindness and inclusion. We are seeing the positive impact this campaign provides and now, more than ever, invite you to help share kindness throughout our entire Valley, and beyond!
Do you have someone in your life such as a child, teacher, coworker, or community member who spreads kindness to those around them? If you do, and want to recognize them, submit their story!
November is Kindness Month and we want to recognize all those that embody the #BeKindSV values and share their stories with a Community Kindness Award!
For this Kindness Month, join us on Sunday, November 10 from 12 – 3 p.m. at the North Bend Theatre to watch “Charlotte’s Web”! Free popcorn and soda will be available. Subtítulos en Español incluidos.