The 2023-24 school year was one full of growth, stories, and support between mentors and students with Empower Youth Network’s Youth Success Mentoring (YSM). YSM mentors give children confidence, inspire positive choices, and build hope for a better future for Snoqualmie Valley youth. We want to extend a tremendous thank you to our mentors. This year, YSM was recognized as a key partner with the National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS) through MENTOR Washington. According to NQMS:
“The tremendous growth in the youth mentoring field has resulted in an ever-expanding number of programs that provide choice, flexibility, and increased opportunities for young people who need mentors. However, the sheer number and variety of programs and approaches make it difficult for prospective mentors, parents, mentees, funders, and policymakers to know what constitutes a safe and effective mentoring program. The National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS) creates recognized standards and procedures for the operation of high quality mentoring programs based on evidence and a process for continuous improvement within a program.”
We talk about how our mentors meet with their mentee for an hour a week, and that adds up to an impressive outcome. We are thrilled to report that this year, mentors held nearly 4,500 one-on-one meetings where their students got to connect to a supportive adult by playing games, doing crafts, exploring our STEM kits, and more—even just talking. In fact, especially talking. Mentees often express how they have something to look forward to each week with their mentor, and that their mentor is one person they can always count on to listen to them. This past year, YSM managed to serve 166 students in both the Riverview School District and the Snoqualmie Valley School District.
One parent’s testimony that sums up the success of our program, and impact of Sarah (YSM Mentor) said, “Sarah is very kind and thoughtful and really takes the time to get to know our son and support him in his interests as well as emotionally. I cannot say enough about how impressed I am with her as a mentor and with Empower Youth Network’s mentoring program. We are so lucky to be able to benefit from this here in the valley, I wish every child could have their own Sarah.”
From the 2022-23 school year to the 2023-24 school year, our growth in mentoring went up 32%. Our estimated projected growth for the upcoming school year is 43%! We are planning to need 72 mentors in both school districts. Apply to become a mentor today, and stay in the know about our upcoming Back-to-School Challenge by making sure you are subscribed to our mailing list below.
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